El Paso, Texas (NAPSI) - While any time of year can be the right time to assess your financial fitness, many find the new year is an excellent time to take stock of their financial status, drop old habits and cultivate new ones.

Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - According to a recent consumer survey, 81 percent of Americans are likely to make a resolution to save more money this year.

Washington, DC (NAPSI) - Beginning March 1, 2013, the U. S. Treasury will no longer issue paper checks for federal benefits, including Social Security, instead requiring recipients to switch to electronic payments. If beneficiaries do not set up their own electronic direct deposit to a bank account, they will receive their federal benefits on a prepaid card.

Phoenix, Arizona (NAPSI) - When it comes to skincare, women and men are taking serious aim at enlarged pores.

Tempe, Arizona (NAPSI) - Many believe today’s television viewers have it better than ever. That’s because they have access to a wider selection of in-home entertainment than ever before and many are choosing to watch TV on demand.

Houston, Texas (NAPSI) - From New Year’s resolutions to springtime renewal, there are excellent places to reinvigorate your wardrobe, your home and even yourself.

San Jose, California (NAPSI) - If you’ve resolved to eat better this year, start by packing your plate with produce, including a dynamite little fruit the Concord grape. Concord grapes are bold in taste and pack quite a nutritious punch.