Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - Relevant, factual and entertaining Hispanic and Latino television content are now conveniently available anytime to digital cable customers On Demand.

Jackson, Mississippi (NAPSI) - Learning has gone mobile, and the students at Jackson State University (JSU) are reaping the benefits. Through the iPad Technology Advantage Scholarship Initiative (TASI), incoming full-time freshmen at JSU are each provided with the latest-generation iPad.

El Paso, Texas (NAPSI) - Four years ago, bestselling author Mary Jane Clark spoke at the Friends of the New Jersey Library for the Blind and Handicapped’s Fall Festival. There, she met Ottilie Lucas, a former rehabilitation teacher for people with macular degeneration and other disabilities who is visually impaired herself.

Phoenix, Arizona (NAPSI) - One of the most important learning tools for students is broadband Internet at home. With it, students can tackle almost any assignment.

Phoenix, Arizona (NAPSI) - If you or someone you love is among the 13 percent of Americans over 65 or soon will be there are a number of things that may pay to know when it comes to retirement planning.

Houston, Texas (NAPSI) - An unexpected consequence to extreme weather, such as 2012’s Hurricane Sandy, is the damage it can do to all types of vehicles.

Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - Just about every American farm family includes an unsung hero: the “farm mom.” Doing everything from keeping the books to combining the fields, 30 percent of today’s primary farm operators are women.