Houston, Texas (NAPSI) - What sounds more like spring than the crack of a bat hitting a baseball or the screech of sneakers on a court? Spring is a great time to get back to the track, field or blacktop for fun and healthy competition.

Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - Protecting your health is important to everyone. That’s why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants you to know that there are many dangerous products unlawfully marketed as “dietary supplements” that contain hidden drugs and chemicals.

Dallas, Texas (NAPSI) - Cooking at home can be simple, affordable and heart-healthy. The bad news is that it’s becoming increasingly rare.

Tempe, Arizona (NAPSI) - Excessive daytime fatigue may be linked to a nighttime problem that can prevent you from getting the rest you need.

Tempe, Arizona (NAPSI) - While colon cancer is the third-leading cancer killer in the United States, it is also a preventable and treatable disease if diagnosed in its early stages.

Dallas, Texas (NAPSI) - Kristi Mardis was diagnosed with severe heart failure in her early 20s. For years, she had no quality of life, no energy. Simple everyday tasks were challenging.

Colorado Springs, Colorado (NAPSI) - While being active outdoors, even in cold weather, can be both fun and healthful, it’s important to protect your body.