Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - Forty-one-year-old Michelle Melvin was celebrating Mother’s Day with her family when pain shot through her jaw and up into her temples. Then her arms went numb.

Riverside, California - Cancer Pain and the Under Treatment Among Minorities:

Phoenix, Arizona (NAPSI) - "One day, my dad picked up the phone and I heard him breathing really hard on the other end," said Mary. "I asked him what was wrong and my dad said he was just out of breath these days. I knew something wasn't right."

Houston, Texas (NAPSI) - Worldwide there are an estimated 1.5 million advanced cancer patients who experience the disease spreading to their bones. If you are a patient with cancer, or care for someone who is, here are a few facts you should know.

Phoenix, Arizona (NAPSI) - Mobile health apps are gaining popularity as people try to manage their health using smartphones. These mobile health apps feature a wide range of functions, from letting individuals monitor their calorie intake to helping doctors view a patient’s X-rays remotely.

Riverside, California (NAPSI) - By this time of year, New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside for many people. But with spring right around the corner, why not show yourself some love by making your breast health a priority? One in eight women will get breast cancer, and now is the perfect time to take charge of your health.

Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - For many people, it’s important to remember that big changes begin with small steps.