El Paso, Texas (NAPSI) - Parents need no longer fear the dreadful note home from school announcing an outbreak of head lice, if they heed these hints:

• A weekly head check can help you stay ahead of an outbreak. According to a recent survey, 56 percent of parents do one. Lice lay eggs in warm, moist areas around the head.

• Wash your family’s hair with a product clinically proven to help prevent them, with organic herbs and natural plant extracts, and no chemicals or pesticides. Called Rosemary Repel®, the shampoo and crème conditioner gently cleanse, nourish and protect hair.

If you still get lice: Vacuum floors, carpets, beds, car seats and couches; wash bedding daily in hot water. Dry on high heat; and consider Lice Good-Bye. Safe, easy, natural and clinically proven to remove lice and their eggs, its Terminator Metal Lice Comb has micro-grooved teeth that are gentle on the scalp.

For more tips and to see a video on what to do during an outbreak, visit www.fairytaleshaircare.com.