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- Written by NAPSI
Riverside, California (NAPSI) - An increasing number of Americans are taking a shine to the look of metal for their home furnishings.
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- Written by NAPSI
Riverside, California (NAPSI) -California avocado season is in full swing, just in time for summer holiday barbecues and casual get-togethers. The California Avocado Commission has partnered with chefs Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger to share great ideas for jazzing up any summer gathering menu with delectable and nutritiousCalifornia avocados.
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- Written by NAPSI
Colorado Springs, Colorado (NAPSI) - If you think a screen door is a great way to let fresh air in and keep insects out of your home, you may want to retract that. The door, that is.
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- Written by NAPSI
Tempe, Arizona (NAPSI) - Calling breakfast the most important meal of the day is no exaggeration. Without breakfast, your metabolism can suffer, performance and concentration are apt to decrease, and hunger throughout the day can result in overeating during future meals.
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- Written by NAPSI
Riverside, California (NAPSI) - Allergies are nothing to sneeze at. Fortunately, your car can protect you from the pollen, dust and pollutants that are drawn inside through air-conditioning and ventilation systems.
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- Written by NAPSI
Tucson, Arizona (NAPSI) - There’s good news for those who enjoy outdoor activities. By taking a few simple steps, they can help protect the environment from invasive pests and the damage they can cause.
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- Written by NAPSA
El Paso, Texas (NAPSA) - To get your home's ducts properly cleaned, have them done by a professional who belongs to NADCA, a trade association of companies in the HVAC industry that have signed the NADCA Code of Ethics.
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