Reno, Nevada (NAPSI) - Even when the temperatures dip, grill lovers don’t want to-or have to-give up the smoky, delicious flavors of grilled food.

Colorado Springs, Colorado (NAPSI) - You may be better able to win the race for (storage) space with your closet, if you heed a few hints.

Bristol, Virginia (NAPSI) - Homeowners can see their way clear to saving on cooling and heating costs, and protecting their skin and home decor from the sun’s damaging UV rays, all thanks to something they can scarcely see at all window film.

El Paso, Texas (NAPSI) - The National Education Association (NEA) revs up more than 45 million readers young and old every year through Seuss-tastic events that encourage children to be in the company of a good book.

Yuma, Arizona (NAPSI) - Sausages are enjoying great popularity in the United States these days as new flavors, convenient products and many great-tasting old standards are tastefully meeting Americans’ breakfast, lunch and dinner needs.

Chicago, Illinois (NAPSI) - When the weather outside gets frightful, many consumers will be glad to know that there’s a cat-care product that can provide an answer to many winter problems cat litter.

New Orleans, Louisiana (NAPSI) - Here’s food for thought: Americans love to try new things, and every year, new flavor trends are introduced on dinner tables across the country.