
Houston, Texas (NAPSI) - If you’re like most Americans, you change jobs every few years the average man switches jobs every four and a half years; the average woman, every three. Additionally, more than half of all college students change majors at least once.

It may be time to consider new patterns for choosing a profession, for happier workers and longer relationships between employees and employers.

Fortunately, finding a satisfying career can be simpler if you consider these tips for finding meaningful work:

1. Discover your unique skills: This should be your first step to finding a career you’ll enjoy for a lifetime. What are your strengths? What makes you happy? How do you like to work: Do you prefer interpreting and critically assessing information? Putting abstract ideas and concepts together or taking them apart? Gathering, sorting and organizing information or figuring out calculations? Or matching, selecting and making sure directions and standards are followed correctly? Would you rather work with people, with things or with concepts? Before investing years of your life or possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars in education, take serious time to reflect on your skills and interests.

2. Create a road map: Where do you want to be in five or 10 years? Develop a road map to get to career heaven and stick to it.

3. Test the waters: Once you’ve discovered a substantive career for yourself, test the waters with an internship or apprenticeship. Interning can be a great way to see if the job is right for you and can help get your foot in the door.

4. Choose a job based on your passions: Don’t take a job just for the money or title.

5. Look for a company that shares your values: Don’t compromise.

6. Take your time and seek guidance: Take your time finding the job that’s right for you based on your talents. It’s not necessarily the first thing that comes along. Hiring a trained career consultant may be a good idea.

For example, consider Crown’s Career Direct Complete Guidance System. It’s an individual, personal growth resource designed to help you maximize your talents and abilities. More than a simple career test, it analyzes four critical areas—personality, interests, skills and values.

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